Yesterday Charlie decided to run around me as I sat on the floor which was quite sweet until I received a head-butt from behind. In a slightly concussed manner I asked him what on earth he was doing. Charlie has never really explained his actions before and it went like this ‘Well – I runnin’ roun’ da mummy (sigh ) an I kick da leg (short demonstration of kicking) and felled over (arms flapping in distress) and hurt da arm (holding arm and looking sad) – and subsequently forgot all about my head.
We've had a busy day today - nursery (him), an animal hospital, the park and then Co-op. He went straight to the DVDs as usual - randomly grabbing various titles – The Haunting, Exorcist etc. shouting – ‘I got dat’ at horrified passers by.
When we got home I went to put the washing in and noticed that there was washing liquid all over the floor, I couldn't work out where it was coming from and ended up turning it upside down and balancing it against the wall to prevent further spillage. Charlie came to inspect what I was doing and after watching me for a while, prodded the washing liquid and pointed out out a small hole - and said, 'No Mummy - Charlie make the hole der'.
He tried another explanation during his bath later; a major incident occurred: he disappeared under the water for roughly a 10th of a second - this made yesterday's effort appear almost succinct - 'Put der head on a - Oh - (sigh) - an it (sigh) in a water - under it - Oh - Oh - Ahhhhh' this continued for approximately 5 minutes before he finally gave up on the English language altogether and just made noises.
He went to bed at 7.45pm with his constant companion of the moment; a raccoon glove puppet that his Auntie Lucy bought him. He has a bit of trouble with the word 'raccoon' and it has ended up the dubious name of ‘'coon’. I am not overly comfortable with this, especially in when in public and more so because it was recently brought to my attention that it’s actually a Lemur.
Yay, I've finally managed to subscribe!! (should I have called myself something exciting like 'ecowarrior' or 'slumdog millionaire'??). Brilliant Leonie, very funny! Reminds me so much of Max and Adam.