Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Cinema and loo

Despite me repeatedly telling Charlie he was not going to the cinema this afternoon due to his behaviour - we went to the cinema - I am crap. I was struggling to strap him into his car seat (telling him again he wouldn't go to the cinema if he didn't stay still - he obviously knew this wasn't true and totally ignored me). I said, 'Will you stay still while I tie you up?!' (meaning 'do you up'). Charlie started shouting 'No mummy, don't tie me up!' Of course, as usual, there were plenty of people about to hear him.

We are currently going through the trauma of potty training and Charlie particularly likes using the toilet. Today he stood on his step as I whooped and cheered, 'Go on - do a wee, do a wee!' - he turned to me with a sigh and said quietly, 'Turn round pease'. I then told him to lean forward and he said 'Mummy going to push Charlie down the loo?' I told him that wasn't my intention, so reassured he did so. After 10 minutes he managed 3 drops which required the loo to be flushed 4 times, he then showed how fond he is of the toilet by kneeling down and hugging the bowl and then attempted to kiss the seat. 


  1. Bless :) if only my boy was as happy to go to the toilet when he was training!

  2. love it, theres no middle ground in the potty training arena.
    new follower from http://majorloveoffilm.blogspot.com
