Sunday 27 March 2011

Busy boy

I got up last night at 4am as Charlie was asking for a drink. I also wanted check his temperature, it was high so I gave him some Calpol (after giving some to ''coon' and '(Winnie the)Poo' he agreed to have some) and then gave him some water. His new cup has quite a stiff lid and Charlie can't actually open it with his hands so does so with his teeth - this makes me cringe and I asked whether he could not just leave it open? No, I told him he could damage his teeth, still no, I resulted to pleading with him and he responded with a sigh - 'just go 'a' bed'.

We went to the park earlier and Charlie sort of clung on to his pushchair on the way back so he could stand up but not walk, obscurely all he kept doing (as he did nothing and was pushed home) was look at the floor, shake his head forlornly and say quietly, 'I so busy'.

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