Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Shoes and Films

Today, Charlie and I went shopping as he needed some new trainers (his were banished to the garden due to dog poo and then forgotten about until after it rained - a lot). He selected a pair of Nike, and, whilst in his pushchair; on the way back to the car, enthusiastically ripped off the shoes he was wearing, flung them on the pavement then attempted (after getting them out of the bag and disposing of that and the box on the pavement) to ram them on his feet. When we got back to the car and I had assisted him in putting them on the relevant feet (and picking up everything up from the pavement) he stared at them lovingly then started kicking the passenger seat as hard as possible. I asked what he was doing and he replied 'I excitin 'bout 'eese' (pointing at his feet and kicking madly) I excitin 'bout mine noo soose!'

We then went to the cinema to see 'A Turtle's Tale' (which is pretty dire but I don't think it's necessarily aimed at my age group). The last time we went to see a film ('Rango' which was great) it was disastrous - I ended up chasing him around the cinema, so I approached today with trepidation. However, he was really well behaved and only started getting fidgety about 20 minutes from the end. There were only 2 other mothers with children there and after sidling  up to one lot, sitting with them and checking out their sweets, he got bored and decided instead to squeeze himself down the side of the seats row by row. He was three rows down and stopped. I was quite pleased and for the remaining 10 minutes of the film kept sticking my tongue out at him and shouting 'Hello' as he shouted  'Mummy!' and waved. When the lights came up I walked over to him and it was immediately apparent that the reason he had stopped was because he was firmly stuck between two seats and the word 'Mummy' had also been accompanied by the the words, 'Help me!'. It took me over 5 minutes to free him. 

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