On the way to the local shops there is a house that has recently had their garden gravelled and a gate fitted, much to Charlie's delight they managed to deploy the services of a local tractor. We spent many an 'exciting' hour watching the bloody thing go backwards and forwards and when we weren't watching it, we were discussing it. The work is now long finished and there is a large padlocked gate so you are unable to see into the garden. This does not deter Charlie - every time we walk past he gets to 'the tractor house' lies on his stomach and shoves his head under the gate. He then gives me a blow by blow account of what's going on, 'Iss a digger over der, iss a cat wiv stripes like George (our cat), iss a man walkin' mummy come here - lie on da tummy and look at da man in da garden, MAN, MAN wot you doin'?'
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