Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Bogger it

Those of you who see my Facebook updates may recall that my son’s first sentence was not ‘Love you mummy’ or ‘Nice doggy’ but ‘Fuck off fly’, a proud moment indeed. This was clearly due to me and I have made huge efforts not to swear in front of him. However ‘bloody’ and ‘bugger’ (and ‘cock’ but that is driving talk) seem a difficult habit to break. This has resulted in Charlie shouting, ‘OH MY BOGGERS!’ when anything is causing him aggravation. Then, yesterday, as I changed the sheets and he was (really annoyingly) lying in the bed I was changing, we were having a ‘discussion’ about whether the TV should be on and he told me: ‘Just turn the bloody TV on’. I tried to be cross but found it hilarious and buried my face in my hands to hide my amusement for fear of encouraging him further. He was rather concerned and asked if I was crying – he then prised my fingers away from my face and said, ‘You iss not crying, you iss bloody laughing.’ 


  1. Ha ha! What did the fly do to him by the way?

  2. It had the audacity to buzz round him - as it had me - unfortunately my response was overheard and repeated. I am a terrible mother ;-)
